How to incorporate self-care into your daily routine as an expat
Relocate, repatriate, move here, move there… expat life can fun, but not always. Visa admin, helping our kids settle in or getting to grips with a new culture… expat life can be a full-time job in itself.
However as the old saying goes, we need to fit our own life jacket before assisting others.
Feeling anxious? 10 tips for dealing with anxiety
Anxiety can take a number of forms. When we are feeling anxious, this can include negative thoughts about the situation, such as worrying that something bad is going to happen. There may be associated bodily sensations such as increased heartbeat, rapid breathing and butterflies in the stomach resulting from increased levels of stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol.
Managing difficult emotions
Emotions are tricky. In the past I have felt like I have tried to hold onto the good ones and run away from the bad ones. I’ve since realised that this is not a helpful way to think about it. Attaching positive and negative charge around emotions distracts from their true purpose.
Fostering creativity through the power of play
In an era where creativity is viewed as a key skill, corporations are increasingly looking for creative solutions from employees, therefore it is important to look at the ways in which we can foster creative approaches to problem solving.
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